Price is not the primary driver for large employers that are choosing benefits administration technology platforms. Instead, they want systems that are easy to use and integrate with HR information systems, a national survey shows.
Tags: Benefits Compensation Equal Pay PayFor Benefit Platforms, Employers Pick User Experience Over Cost
Milwaukee Area Employment Law Attorney: 200 South Executive Drive, Suite 101 Brookfield, WI 53005 Phone: 262-241-8444
Ask an Expert: Can We Fire An Employee for Sharing His Pay Increase with Coworkers?
Janet L. Heins|Compensation, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), employers are prohibited from taking adverse action against employees who participate in...
The Right Ingredients Brew Wellness Program Success
Janet L. Heins|Critical Evaluation, Disease Management, News, Wellness Benefits, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
With the efficacy of workplace wellness programs being questioned, new research may help to explain why some efforts are...
Benefit Leaders Foresee Greater Employee Choices
Janet L. Heins|Benefits Strategy and Planning, Leadership and Navigation, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
Workers’ ability to create a personalized benefit package—with greater flexibility to alter their selections outside of an annual open...
Labor Secretary Weighs in on Tip Pooling
Janet L. Heins|Compensation Compliance, News, Policies and Practices, Relationship Management, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta says he backs legislation that would prevent employers from taking tips from workers.
Health Care 'Cadillac Tax' Delayed Until 2022
Janet L. Heins|Benefits and Taxation, Health Care Reform, Influencing Government Policy, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
President Donald Trump signed into law a two-year delay on the 40 percent excise tax on high-value health care...
Good Jobs for High School Graduates Still Exist
Janet L. Heins|News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
Many believe good jobs for workers without a bachelor’s degree no longer exist in a labor market buffeted by...
What Individual Mandate Repeal Means for Employers
Janet L. Heins|Critical Evaluation, Health Care Reform, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
The 2017 tax act effectively repeals the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) requirement that most Americans obtain ACA-compliant health coverage,...
California Strengthens Wage-Theft Laws
Janet L. Heins|California, Compensation Compliance, Critical Evaluation, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, Pay
When employers fail to provide full pay to employees for all their hours worked, it’s sometimes called wage theft—an...
Contact – 262-241-8444
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Contact the Attorneys of H.E.L.P. – Heins Employment Law Practice Employee Rights Law Practice LLC for a Free Initial Phone Consultation. We serve EMPLOYEES AND PLAINTIFFS ONLY in Milwaukee, Whitefish Bay, Fox Point, Shorewood, River Hills, Hartford, Elm Grove, Pewaukee, Lake Geneva, Merton, West Bend, Brookfield, Waukesha, Menomonee Falls, Germantown, Fond Du Lac, Appleton, Manitowoc, Cedarburg, Port Washington, Grafton, Sheboygan, Green Bay and Madison Wisconsin on employee discrimination, retaliation, harassment, FMLA (Family Leave Medical Act), and employee rights.
We do not represent any employers, so you can be sure there will never be a conflict of interest. We can represent employees of private companies and federal employees all of the way to the Wisconsin Supreme court and beyond all of the way to U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.
Wisconsin Employment Attorneys Serving the Greater Milwaukee Area and Wisconsin For free consultation* or to set up an appointment with our team of dedicated employment law attorneys:
Contact our law firm online, Call our office at 262-241-8444 or Toll free at 866-241-8444
H.E.L.P. – Heins Employment Law Practice Employee Rights Attorneys
200 South Executive Drive, Suite 101
Brookfield, WI 53005
*There is no charge for your initial phone consultation.