Address these situations with a mix of alternative reward solutions, proactive career discussions and, in some cases, evaluations of...
Archive for month: February, 2018
Milwaukee Area Employment Law Attorney: 200 South Executive Drive, Suite 101 Brookfield, WI 53005 Phone: 262-241-8444
401(k) Plans: A Cybersecurity Afterthought
Janet L. Heins|Business Acumen, Contracts and RFPs, Defined Contribution Plans, News, Technology--Compliance, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayCybersecurity for 401(k) plans is often an afterthought, even at companies that take great care to protect their businesses...
Risk vs. Readiness: The 401(k) Plan Annuity Conundrum
Janet L. Heins|Critical Evaluation, Defined Contribution Plans, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayGood plan governance can reduce the fiduciary risks that prevent plan sponsors from offering annuities as a 401(k) investment...
401(k) Sponsors Focus on Benchmarking—and Lowering—Fees
Janet L. Heins|Critical Evaluation, Defined Contribution Plans, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayKeeping participant fees in check has become a primary focus of defined contribution plan sponsors. Benchmarking plan administration and...
References to FMLA Were Not Representations of FMLA Eligibility
Janet L. Heins|Benefits Communication, Communication, Family and Medical Leave, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayA handbook with a section on family and medical leave, forms that refer to the Family and Medical Leave...
InsideUp Inc., a San Diego-based marketing company, will pay $10,500 and provide other significant relief to settle a disability...
FMLA: A Primer for HR
Janet L. Heins|Family and Medical Leave, News, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayThe Family and Medical Leave Act is complex, but it is manageable when HR develops robust policies, trains managers...
At Tax Time, Remind Modest Earners About the Saver’s Credit
Janet L. Heins|Benefits Communication, Communication, Defined Contribution Plans, News, Retirement and Financial Planning, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayDuring tax season, employers have an opportunity to let low- and moderate-income workers know about a special tax credit...
Could Swiss-Style Apprenticeships Fill in the U.S. Skills Gap?
Janet L. Heins|Compensation Compliance, News, Training and Development, Workforce Readiness, Youth Employment, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayAs U.S. employers create more jobs with in-demand skills, businesses, workforce development advocates, educational institutions and the government are...
Salary History Bans Could Reshape Pay Negotiations
Janet L. Heins|Compensation, News, Talent Acquisition, Benefits, Compensation, Equal Pay, PayMany state and local legislatures are banning employers from asking job candidates about their past pay—and salary negotiations may...
Contact – 262-241-8444
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Contact the Attorneys of H.E.L.P. – Heins Employment Law Practice Employee Rights Law Practice LLC for a Free Initial Phone Consultation. We serve EMPLOYEES AND PLAINTIFFS ONLY in Milwaukee, Whitefish Bay, Fox Point, Shorewood, River Hills, Hartford, Elm Grove, Pewaukee, Lake Geneva, Merton, West Bend, Brookfield, Waukesha, Menomonee Falls, Germantown, Fond Du Lac, Appleton, Manitowoc, Cedarburg, Port Washington, Grafton, Sheboygan, Green Bay and Madison Wisconsin on employee discrimination, retaliation, harassment, FMLA (Family Leave Medical Act), and employee rights.
We do not represent any employers, so you can be sure there will never be a conflict of interest. We can represent employees of private companies and federal employees all of the way to the Wisconsin Supreme court and beyond all of the way to U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.
Wisconsin Employment Attorneys Serving the Greater Milwaukee Area and Wisconsin For free consultation* or to set up an appointment with our team of dedicated employment law attorneys:
Contact our law firm online, Call our office at 262-241-8444 or Toll free at 866-241-8444
H.E.L.P. – Heins Employment Law Practice Employee Rights Attorneys
200 South Executive Drive, Suite 101
Brookfield, WI 53005
*There is no charge for your initial phone consultation.