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We support the Federal Employee Rights Act to give back to employees their workplace rights that have been stolen from them by corrupt politicians:


With the majesty of purple mountains behind me today, I have a question for you:

Why does America have a $120 trillion dollar debt hanging over its head?

If you want to know why the United States has this huge pile of debt and what can be done to turn that around then it’s time to take a serious look at restoring traditional rights to America’s workers.

Hello, this is Charles Benninghoff and today I want to tell you about a great piece of legislation that Pray For US is supporting.

If you want to take action on this issue at any time as you’re watching this video, just mouse over the video screen and you’ll see a lowercase “i” in the upper right-hand corner. Click that icon to go to our Action Page. Apple users can look for the link below.

We’re supporting the Federal Employee Rights Act which is designated as HR 4461 in the House and we call this bill FERA.

Before I tell you about the bill, I want to let you know about a special 4th of July offer that we are providing to anyone who sends their Personalized Messages to the whole house.

So we will send you a patriotic tote bag or a hefty flag carry-all bag – your choice -that you can start using immediately or give it away as a 4th of July gift.

Now back to today’s campaign issue.

Consider that Democrats and other liberals are constantly yelling about income disparity. So, they want to talk about income disparity? Let me show you the nation’s BIGGEST INCOME DISPARITY and if you’ve got a heart you’ll work with Pray for US to level the playing field, be just and equitable.

Private sector retirees are paid about $15,000 per year in Social Security retirement. That’s the average.

But federal employees are paid an average of $65,000 per year in retirement.

America has a $20 trillion federal debt but that amount skyrockets to $120 trillion if you add in pension debt.

That is why Congressman Tom Price of Georgia introduced the Federal Employee Rights Act – the FERA – designated as HR 4461, to start curbing the huge disparity in income created by crooked politicians seeking to curry favor with union bosses.

Here is how the FERA would amend federal labor laws.

It prohibits federal agencies from deducting union dues directly from workers’ paychecks.

FERA also prohibits the use of union dues for anything other than collective bargaining activities — no more slush funds for big union bosses to use as they wish – including lavish parties, gifts, private jets, limousines and high-style living.

FERA requires secret paper ballots for all union elections – no more public roll calls – so that union bosses can no longer discriminate against employees or bully them into voting a certain way.

The crooked politicians have given away too much power and FERA is the first step in restoring sanity to the process, by giving rights back to the workers.

America is being bankrupted by corrupt politicians and union bosses and we the people must speak out and support FERA NOW!

Deuteronomy Chapter 28 describes blessings that befall a nation that is obedient to God and God’s curses for a nation’s disobedience.

Verse 29 says, “And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you.”

America is being plundered when federal employees are collecting retirement benefits that are five times higher than the private sector workers who pay the salaries and retirement benefits of the government workers.

The union bosses are too powerful and exert too much influence on the House and Senate.

We have to change this!

These bigwig union bosses working hand-in-hand with corrupt politicians need to be checked and the Federal Employee Rights Act – HR 4461 – is a great first step.

I hope you will take part in this effort to get the FERA passed and do your own good work, according to James 2:17, today by demanding Congress pass this bill! You can do this by sending personalized letters directly to congress right from our action page. Click the “i” NOW!

And don’t forget the special offer to accelerate this campaign and receive a patriotic tote bag from us as a special 4th of July gift.

This is Charles Benninghoff signing off and wishing you freedom, fulfillment and God’s many blessings.


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