While losing a job is never an enjoyable experience, it is even worse when you feel like you were not terminated for a legitimate reason. If you suspect you that you have been wrongfully discharged from your job or illegally demoted from your position, you do not have to sit back and think about what went wrong. The experienced employment law attorneys at H.E.L.P. – Heins Employment Law PracticeLaw Office can help you take action and protect your rights.

What is Wrongful Termination or Discharge?

Under state law, wrongful discharge occurs when an employer discharges an employee who has refused to comply with orders that violate the law. But there are other reasons for being terminated that may be illegal. For instance, if you were fired due to discrimination or retaliated against after requesting time off or bringing a complaint forward, we can help you pursue a suit against your employer.

We stand in support of employees in the greater Milwaukee area. We work diligently to protect the rights of our clients, never backing down from a fight. For honest counsel about your case, call us toll free at 866-241-8444. Or, contact us via e-mail to schedule your free initial consultation.

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©2025 H.E.L.P. - Heins Employment Law Practice - Employee Rights Law

Contact the Attorneys of H.E.L.P. - Heins Employment Law Practice LLC for a Free Initial Phone Consultation. We serve EMPLOYEES AND PLAINTIFFS ONLY in Milwaukee, Whitefish Bay, Fox Point, Shorewood, River Hills, Hartford, Elm Grove, Pewaukee, Lake Geneva, Merton, West Bend, Brookfield, Waukesha, Menomonee Falls, Germantown, Fond Du Lac, Appleton, Manitowoc, Cedarburg, Port Washington, Grafton, Sheboygan, Green Bay and Madison Wisconsin on employee discrimination, retaliation, harassment, FMLA (Family Leave Medical Act), and employee rights. We do not represent any employers, so you can be sure there will never be a conflict of interest. We can represent employees of private companies and federal employees all of the way to the Wisconsin Supreme court and beyond all of the way to U.S. Supreme Court if necessary. Wisconsin Employment Attorneys Serving the Greater Milwaukee Area and Wisconsin For free consultation* or to set up an appointment with our team of dedicated employment law attorneys:  

Contact our law firm online, Call our office at 262-241-8444 or Toll free at 866-241-8444


H.E.L.P. - Heins Employment Law Practice - Employee Rights Law

200 S. Executive Drive, Suite 101

Brookfield, WI 53005

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